The Association has just held its Annual General Meeting, which was held in the Lawrence Darmanin range in Tigne Point.
The Minutes of the previous AGM were read and approved, following which the President addressed the floor. The Administrative report by Secretary Shane Hunter and the Financial Report by Treasurer Josef Galea were then read and approved too.
A discussion ensued with regards to membership, activities and the Association’s commitment to raise the bar when it comes to the standard of vetting and the training of new members.
Mr Josef Galea announced his decision to step down from the Committee during the coming term. The President thanked him for his most valid contribution to AMACS, which started before he took office. He was responsible for revamping the online membership system, which is now running flawlessly. Mr Galea informed the floor that he intends to keep on supporting AMACS from outside the Committee.
Two nominations had been received to fill the vacant committee post, one for Mr Anthony Tonna and another for Mr Chris Vella. Consequently, an election was held and Mr Vella was elected to the Committee. Mr Tonna offered to assist the Committe with its work.
At the end of the meeting, member Mr John Galea Naudi, who was accompanied by his father and AMACS founder member Mr Francis Galea, presented the Committee with a framed image of the AMACS Tigne’ Clock Tower facade that he had executed in a very particular and pleasing style. This frame will be displayed in the Association premises after a refurbishment which is being planned.