Visit by the Committe of the Pedalino Sniper Club on Monday 23 April 2012

imagesCABBB5WJOn Monday, 23 April at 7:30pm, the Committee and range operators of the Pedalino Sniper Club/Range located in Comiso, Sicily will be visiting our Club House in Tigne’ Point.

As many of you know this is the range where we go to shoot when we travel to Sicily.

All members are encouraged to attend and meet with our friends for Sicily and to enjoy Club Hours as many of you do on Wednesday and Friday evenings.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that our next trip to Sicily will be on Sunday, 20 May.

Those of you that have booked are asked to forward the details of your firearms that you will be taking with you and if you have not yet done so, to send in the payment.

There are places still available so bookings are still being accepted.